Watch Nitta must train hard sex video free

Racing your slave among other chosen ones is a joy for a master. In a y competition, master would like to be proud of his girl's level of submission and pain endurance. For such a competition, to be raced, Dr. Lomp picked bbw Nitta to represent his domination skills. Nitta must obey every command on time and bear any pain coming from various masters who attend there, accompanied by their own slave girls. So, Nitta must train hard, to reach the adequate level. In the very first movie of 2021, Dr. Lomp will push Nitta's limits by his whip, and especially will train the slave girl on her nipple, which is her weak point. You will watch Nitta weeping and struggling under heavy torment, which is the real pleasure for true sadist souls.

Duration:2 min
Tags: girls is crying
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